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In Python, how to sort a Pandas dataframe by column ?

In Python, you can sort a Pandas dataframe by a given column with the .sort_values() method. Let's consider the following dataframe:

	col1	col2	col3
0	Beta	1		4
1	Alpha	2		7
2	Charly	3		4

The following command sorts the dataframe by column col1 (ascending):

>>> df.sort_values(['col1'])

	col1	col2	col3
1	Alpha	2		7
0	Beta	1		4
2	Charly	3		4

The following command sorts the dataframe by column col2 (descending):

>>> df.sort_values(['col2'], ascending = False)

	col1	col2	col3
2	Charly	3		4
1	Alpha	2		7
0	Beta	1		4

The following command sorts the dataframe by column col3, then col2 (ascending):

>>> df.sort_values(['col3', 'col2'])

	col1	col2	col3
0	Beta	1		4
2	Charly	3		4
1	Alpha	2		7
